Fox in Socks
[Platform: iOS, Android] The Dr. Seuss classic, Fox in Sock, comes to life in this award-winning educational book app. Beginning readers can practice reading, spelling, and phonics though engaging activities and fun suprises. Designed in alignment with kindergarten English Language Arts (ELA) standards, this classic is bound to be a must-have book on your digital book shelf.
About Dr. Seuss’ Fox in Socks
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About About Dr. Seuss’ Fox in Socks
The best-selling Dr. Seuss classic “Fox in Socks” comes to life with playful interactivity, delightful animations and Learning Activities!
– Tap and drag to find playful surprises throughout the book
– Practice spelling, phonics, rhyming, and reading comprehension in Learning Activities
– Read along with highlighting narration, read it yourself, or enjoy auto play
– Explore new vocabulary by tapping words and pictures
– Track minutes spent reading, pages read, and more in the Parents section
– Hidden stars on every page reveal fun Learning Activities
– Developed in collaboration with early literacy experts
– Designed specifically for beginning readers
– Aligned with kindergarten level English Language Arts (ELA) standards
– Enjoy activities again and again, right from the main menu!
*** Academic’s Choice “Smart Choice Media” Award Winner ***
Fox in Socks
1. Leave a comment explaining why you’d like a code
– AND- your device
2. We’ll email you a code (while supplies last)
3. Redeem, download, & enjoy!
iPad user. I would use this app for students with articulation and phonemic awareness goals.
This app would be awesome to use for language and articulation. For use on an iPad. Thank you!
Would love this to use for my students to use in tele therapy.
iPad code please so I can use this with my students.
I would love an Apple code to help me address literacy goals with my patients
iPad Cade please, so I can use it with my special needs students.
Would love an iOS (iPad) code! I’m an SLP and have second year preschoolers working on rhyming and tons of articulation. Many of them are completely enthralled by Dr. Seuss!!
Another wonderful Dr Seuss book turned into an app! Would love to have an iPad code, as my daughter is teaching her younger cousins to read :) Thank you!!
Hi, My 4 year old LOVES Dr. Seuss. He has CP and a visual impairment so relies a lot on listening to books and then using what he hears to “learn to see” – he has Cortical Visual Impairment. We use Dr. Seuss books to help with his speech as he is learning to talk. We have an iPAD and use it for his schooling (because of COVID) and all his teletherapies. Thank you for the consideration of this app!
I am using an Android pad, and would like to introduce phoincs to my son by using this app , thank you
I’m an Android user. I’m starting to Homeschool my young daughter. This app looks great for her. I’d love to try it out.
iPad. I would love to get this app to use in telepractice with my clients to target literacy and language goals.
Hi! My daughter and her cousins can learn to read though this app. I hope there are codes still available, Apple or Android. Thank you
Such a great app for working on the preposition “in”! I would love to have an iPad app code please. I will use this app for working on core words during speech therapy sessions with students of all ages. Thank you again for these giveaways!
I’d love this code to add to my library of resources for my clients with special needs. I’m a speech-language pathologist and I see children via teletherapy. These apps have been such a blessing. Thank you!
Device: Apple, iPad/iPhone
I’d love a code for the ipad I’m using! The repetition in Dr. Seuss books are just what my speech kids need! (and I love that I can use it with the LO).
Thank you!
Hi! I would love an iTunes code for Fox in Socks for my students!
Apple. My students are eating up these Dr. Seuss apps!
I would like to have this app for my early learners to use during our online sessions, for sure this will help on their reading. A code for apple device please? Thanks.
Apple user. Yes please I would love to share this with my classes
I have 3 kids out of school which would have a great time learning from this app.
This would be an ITunes code please.
I would love to share my love of Dr, Seuss with my preschool clients during teletherapy sessions. For Apple device
I have an Apple iphone
We would love a code as my 3.5 year old is really getting into reading and loves Dr. Seus
iPad use for language development
I’m an SLP and would love this for my students to use on an iPad
I have an Apple device. I would love this to be able to use with my patients during speech therapy sessions. I work with children with a variety of difficulties and disorders.
I am an SLP and I love using Dr. Seuss with my student. I use an ipad and would love a code to access this great app. Thank you.
Hello I am an android user and I would love this it would be a great way to help my kids with rhyming.
Apple-I would love to have this app for my daughter who loves rhyming and dr Seuss. Thank you!
I would love an ipad code to help my son with phonetic sounds
I’m using an iPad and would love a copy to target literacy goals ❤️❤️❤️
I am an iPad user and love Dr. Seuss for language development.
My son love Dr Suess I would love a code for Apple! Thanks!
I have an ipad and would love a copy for my telepractice sessions!
I’m a Speech Pathologist working with low income families. I would love to gift a free app to one of my families.
Hi Claire, What device? Apple or Android?
I would love an iPad code if there are any left please :) i would use it with my son to work on his speech goals
Hello We’d love an iPad code. Thank you.
I am an SLP who works with students with disabilities. These games appear very motivating for students who are difficult to motivate. I use an Apple iPad.
Thank you.
The children in my speech therapy sessions love Dr. Seuss books and are always requesting for them to be read! Would like a code for my iPad, thank you.
Hi :) I have an Apple device and I’m a speech pathologist working with indigenous children. I would love to be able to use this app in my therapy with them! Thanks!
Hi! I’m an Apple user and would love a code for my speech therapy kiddos
Fox in socks is my favorite. I have an android device
I have two girls with IEPs, both struggle in the area of reading. Different reasons, but my eldest they don’t teach much reading fluency because of her diagnosis. So I’d like to find programs to pick up on working on this skill at home.
Android, would love to share Dr. Seuss with my kids
This is one of our favorite books. My little guy would love to use this app while my older kids and doing school work. I have an android. Thanks so much!
I’m an apple user and I would love a code so I can play with my kids during this time…
I’d love a code for speech therapy on my iPad. Thanks!
If you have any codes still available for an iPad, I would love to use this to target articulation at the sentence and reading level. It can be hard to find resources that aren’t too difficult for my younger students.
I have an Apple device. I would love to use this with my speech and language students. I also would like to use this with my preschool and ASD students. They would love this!! I love using this book for working on rhyming.