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PRIVACY (and other good stuff)
Babadoodle is owned by one person, me. I am a privacy nerd and believe in providing the users of this site a clear privacy statement that is quick and easy to read and understand. I will not share/sell your name & email when you sign up to the newsletter with any other person or company except:
Product giveaways: rarely (it has never happened before) a giveaway sponsor might need to email you directly if you are the “winner” and they need to mail or email you the “prize”
Mailchimp: I use Mailchimp to manage my email list so that subscribers are able to opt-in and opt-out whenever they want. Mailchimp has a strict privacy policy and does not share your contact information with 3rd parties. You can read the full (very long) privacy policy here
If I sell the business (unlikely): I will email you that I am selling my business to give you the option to opt-out of the mailing list.
The unexpected: if this ever changes, I will email you. I will not just change the privacy policy and post it to the website.
If you have any questions about this or anything else, feel free to contact me here. All emails come directly to me :)