Tech4Good: Home School Project

The Tech4Good: Home School Project was created by Lesley Taylor, the former founder of Best Apps For Kids, in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) health crisis. And is supported by generous generous donations of app developers, who have donated 1000s of apps. Our goal: to helps families and teachers adapt to home school by providing free apps and other resources.

The response has been incredible. In the first month, the Tech4Good: Home School Project reached over 162,000 people on social media and 5,000 website visitors with an estimated $100,000 in donated apps. Most important, these apps have been delivered to a diverse group of people, from rural home schoolers to speech language therapists to whole school districts – in the United States and worldwide.

What started as a simple idea has become much more – and we want to do more still. We want to reach more families, especially those most in need. So we will continue to work with developers and we will continue to offer free apps and other resources to families and educators through the end of the school year.

Our goal has always been simple: to help families and teachers adapt to home school due to the coronavirus epidemic. If you are interested in contributing to this goal, please contact us.

Quick links for families & educators

Find free apps & app giveaways âžś

Find free printables & coloring pages âžś 

A huge thanks to the following for their generous donatations

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