Happy 2021 Gratitude 365 Coloring
Welcome to our Happy 2021 Gratitude Coloring page. It’s part year at a glance calendar, part visual gratitude journal, and part coloring page. So, let’s put 2020 behind us and focus on the positive in 2021.
Simply color each day while thinking about what makes you happy or what you are grateful for…it can be something big or small. Color code each dot, or simply color it in while you think of a happy thought. Most importantly, it’s an easy visual way of focusing on at least one positive thing a day.
Why do this? There is plenty of scientific research, plus a lot of common sense, behind the idea that focusing on what makes you happy and grateful makes you, well, happier and more grateful. And while it is not realistic to be happy 365 days a year, it is possible to focus one on thing that makes you happy, one that gives you joy – and we all deserve a little bit of that happiness everyday.
Here’s to a happy 2021!
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